We Care

In 2015 we launched the programme WE CARE in order to help people in need. Through hands-on activities, monetary donations and donations in kind, we regularly support various projects suggested by staff members.


Legal Literacy Project

The association Legal Literacy Project operates throughout Austria with the objective of promoting basic legal knowledge in society. To this purpose, it organizes lectures and workshops that present information about legal subjects in a comprehensible and interesting manner for various age groups.

The speakers are students of law and business law, as well as young graduates in these fields, who are willing to promote legal knowledge in society in a voluntary capacity. Binder Grösswang supports the Legal Literacy Project and thereby also the members of the association in realizing their objectives.

Vienna Law Clinic

Binder Grösswang is a cooperation partner of the Vienna Law Clinic of the University of Vienna. This organization offers free advice to persons who cannot afford to pay for legal consultations. Advice is provided in three categories: a Refugee Law Clinic, a Startup Clinic and a Consumer Law Clinic. The participating students begin by attending a course in the respective field of law; this is followed by practical work on Law Clinic cases.

By participating in the Law Clinic, students garner practical competences in dealing with clients seeking legal advice and at the same time earn additional ECTS credits for their course of studies. The quality of the legal advice is guaranteed by having the consultations take place under professional supervision and guidance, for example by experienced lawyers from law firms and NGOs.



Team Christkind – A Gift for Every Child

For many years, the Binder Grösswang team has supported the gift initiative “Team Christkind” during the Christmas season. This cooperation between the Austrian Post and the charitable association Samariterbund has the objective of ensuring that no child in Austria affected by poverty has to experience Christmas without a present. For especially at Christmas, disadvantaged situations are especially perceptible to children when their parents do not have enough money to do Christmas shopping.

In this initiative, Christmas gifts for children of various age groups are collected. The Austrian Post then transports these gifts to the collection points of the Samariterbund. From there, they are distributed to needy children throughout Austria.

Support to MOMO, Vienna’s mobile hospice and palliative team for children – a matter truly close to the heart of BINDER GRÖSSWANG

Being diagnosed with a life-limiting disease is traumatising for a child and it impacts the entire family. Since its inception in March 2013 the MOMO team has provided extensive care to more than 200 critically ill children and their families at their homes. Help is tailored to the needs of each family, depending on the care required. If required, MOMO supports affected families from the moment of diagnosis, for weeks, months or even for many years, until the children pass away, and beyond.

MOMO Mobile Children Hospice


neunerimmo – Every m2 counts

Homelessless and housing costs are on the rise, and affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce – not just since the pandemic. In Vienna alone, some 12,600 persons are registered as homeless. Homelessness has many aspects; it affects both women and men, and increasingly also families and single parents and their children. “neunerimmo” was established in 2017 as a non-profit limited liability company that is part of the social organisation “neunerhaus”. neunerimmo connects the real estate industry and affordable housing with social organisations and professional social work. The objective is to find, rent and develop affordable housing – including “Housing First” apartments– for homeless people. In the past five years, 400 apartments were found, providing housing for close to 1,000 people.

Binder Grösswang supports neunerimmo in order to give homeless people a perspective for the future through affordable housing and the help of professional social workers.

Pro Bono Project: International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)

IPHR is a Brussels-based non-governmental organisation that is committed to promoting human rights worldwide. IPHR acts to empower local civil society groups that are working to advance the protection of human rights in their respective countries.

In cooperation with partner organisations, IPHR advocates on behalf of individuals and communities that are among those most vulnerable to discrimination, injustice and human rights violations.

Binder Grösswang advises IPHR on matters relating to the duty of care and the liability regulations under Austrian law diligence for financial institutions, in particular Austrian banks.


CAPE 10 House of Future and Innovation

„CAPE 10- House of the Future and Social Innovation“

Binder Grösswang supported the project “CAPE 10 – Haus der Zukunft und sozialen Innovation”, a future medical treatment centre for homeless and socially disadvantaged people, initiated by the well-known Viennese doctor Siegfried Meryn. The team of lead partner Emanuel Welten and Florian Khol advised on the financing of the project, particularly in connection with the creation of a social impact hybrid bond intended to get the non-profit foundation up and running. This financial instrument is a new, innovative financing model that is being used in Austria in connection with a double-digit million euro project for the first time. Since February 2021, the construction of the care centre has been completed and the first tenants can move in. 

Binder Grösswang cooks for Gruft Again

Also in 2018 Binder Grösswang will cook for the Gruft, a charitable institution run by Caritas, which provides homeless persons in Vienna with food, clothing, etc. free of charge. The basic principle behind "cooking for the Gruft" is simple. The ingredients are purchased beforehand and brought along to the Gruft, where the meal is prepared in the well-equipped kitchen. Every year, around 150 cooking groups actively support Caritas in this way; Binder Grösswang has participated in this project several times.
