AUSTRIAN YEARBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 2021 (Klausegger, Klein, Kremslehner, Petsche, Pitkowitz, Welser & Zeiler eds., 2021)
The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration is a collection of articles and essays on current issues and hot topics in commercial and investment arbitration and provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in arbitration.
The present 16th edition contains 19 contributions from altogether 45 leading practitioners and academics. The contributions include reports providing insights into the successful work of UNCITRAL and VIAC and an update on recent Austrian court decisions and publications in the field of arbitration.
The Yearbook includes the keynote speech delivered by Karl Pörnbacher at the ViennArbitrationDays 2021 and the “Vienna propositions for Construction Arbitration” which summarize the discussions held at the VAD World Café in 2021.
Other contributions address a variety of topics, predominantly concentrating on procedural issues, including
the introduction of new claims and the arbitrator’s power to adapt contracts,
emergency arbitration, or
the arbitrability of insolvency disputes
and other hot topics such as the termination agreement of intra-EU BITs or cyber security.
All Editors
Christian Klausegger, Binder Grösswang Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Peter Klein, Petsch Frosch Klein Arturo Rechtsanwälte, Florian Kremslehner, Dorda Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Alexander Petsche, Baker & Mc Kenzie Diwok Hermann Petsche Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Pitkowitz & Partners, Irene Welser, Cerha Hempel, Gerold Zeiler, Zeiler Floyd Zadkovic Rechtsanwälte GmbH
All Authors
Thomas Anderl, Claudia Annacker, Sophie Aulitzky, Katherine Bell, Sorin Dolea, Eliane Fischer, Anna Förstel-Cherng, Nils Hanfstingl, Julia Hildebrandt, Thomas Hofbauer, HU Yupeng (Yves), Johanna Kathan-Spath, Emmanuel Kaufman, Rita Kaufmann, Katharina Kitzberger, Judith Knieper, Hermann J. Knott, Michael Komuczky, Florian Kremslehner, Aman Lekhi, Pranay Lekhi, Sebastian Lukic, Samuel Mimnagh, Elias Nigsch, Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Karl Pörnbacher, Désirée Prantl, Anna Katharina Radschek, August Reinisch, Mariella Rieder, Katharina Riedl, Markus Schifferl, Moritz Schmitt, Patricia Schoeffmann, Sheila Schwaighofer, Alfred Siwy, Philipp Stadtegger, Alice Stocker, Johannes Tropper, Elisabeth Vanas-Metzler, Irene Welser, Martin Winkler, Clarisse von Wunschheim, Nicolas O. Zenz, Alexander Zojer